"No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses,
so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you" Joshua 1:5
This is a picture of Murray George Neilson. He and I were married September 20, 1983. When I met him
my son was 2 and a half years old. Chad was very active and high spirited mostly due to his A.D.D. Murray took Chad in without
even a second thought, and always treated and respected him as if he were his own child.
We moved from Terrace to Stewart 3 months after our daughter, Lisa was brought into this world. From
the moment she was born, she was the reason for the constant twinkle in Murray's eye. We moved to Stewart so that Murray could
further his career within the provincial liquor board. He managed the liquor store in Stewart for 2 years before we made our
next move to Houston. Houston was a bigger store so more of a challenge. Murray was very smart and had attended University
in New Brunswick, his birth province. He could not decide upon a carreer so, looking for more options he decided to move to
BC where his one and only brother lived. He worked for the Canadian Postal Service before makeing a career change to the liquor
Murray volunteered his time for the Lions Club and worked closely with the Seniors home in Houston.
His family was his first priority always, and went out of his way to make sure Lisa and Chad had a chance to get to know their
family on both sides. We took three trips to Plaster Rock, N.B where Murray was born. He took Chad and Lisa, numerous
times to Terrace when I could not go because of my jobs. It was very important to him that Chad and Lisa maintained quality
ties to the family.
We enjoyed a close marriage for 13 years before Cancer took him from this earth to join his mother
who had passed away the year we met.
He is greatly missed by any and all who knew him.
He passed away May 2 1996
Sandra was always reading something |
Sandra May Smith |
Sandra was born May 5 1944. She began her working career at age 15 where she worked at Co-op Grocery. Sandra eventually
went to work for Overwaitea as a meat wrapper. She married Bud Smith in 1964 and had one son, Ross Smith. Buds career was
good to them and they enjoyed a cabin at Lakelse Lake and later, a home in Mexico.
Sandra was very involved in Teen town as a teenager. They planned safe partys where she and her other sisters kept Darold
very busy doing the Jive. Sandras hobby was ceramics and making elves for gardens. She hated baking and cooking but she loved
to eat sweets, in spite of that. She lived next door to me for 4 years so I got a chance to know my older sister a bit better.
Before she got cancer, she enjoyed suntanning and sitting to read a book in her back yard. I hardly remember a time when
she was not smiling. I do, however remember the day her and I were sitting in her back yard when our dad was sick and we were
both worrying about him. I remember that day because that was the first time I saw her cry. Sandra was a very private person
but enjoyed very loyal friendships with those she cared about.
Sandra lost her battle with cancer May 24th 2001
Me and my dad at my first wedding |
Dad was born on April 12 1920 in Big River Saskatchewan. Mom and Dad were married October 30, 1939. Over the years they
had 5 children. Deanna, Sandra, Sharon, Darold, and Lynette. When Lynette was 2 years old they adopted me, Twila. He
worked as a heavy duty mechanic until he retired in 1985.
Dad was very soft spoken and hardly ever raised his voice. He enjoyed building things with wood, and playing crib. We
always had a hobbie farm of one kind or another so he was very busy with feeding and taking care of the animals. One
of my fondest memories of dad was going to the garbage dump every saturday. It was a time for us to spend some quality time
together and usually a chance to sing some of those old songs like, 'its a long way to tipparary'. His stories about the 1930's
were fascinating to me and the few memories that he had about growing up on the prairies were fun to hear as well. When he
was growing up in Saskatchewan the topic around the dinner table was usually politics. He enjoyed having fun political debates
with any who brought the subject up. Murray and him had a lot of fun discussing political issues. Neither of them had a tendancy
to take the debates personal, it was always a fun topic of discussion. I remember asking him who he voted for, his answer
was always, "I voted for the winner".
After retirement he had a variety of health problems which finally overcame him March 1, 1997
I miss him greatly and will forever remember how safe I felt when he was around.
My mom and my neice |
1919-2008 |
My Mom passed away in February 2008 I learned a great many things from mom. One of which was respect for people, children
are a gift from God to be treasured, there is no other way to be, but honest and in all things be considerate. I learned that
there is an order in the world and in that world, a place for everything. I learned that being in control meant staying balanced
internally. I learned that for every action there is a consequence, may it be good or bad. I learned that hard work and patience
will get me a long way in life.
Murray's mom Jean Neilson |
The pictures above and below are pictures of Murray's mom and dad. Jean passed away October 1983.
I don't have the date because I can't find the news paper clipping. If I find it, I will put it in here. I do have a letter
that Murray wrote to his mother before he met me and it was obvious that she was concerned that he find someone to love. I
regret that I could never have met her and she me. Jean had a great number of health problems. From the times Murray talked
about her, I remember that he talked from respect and admiration of his mother.
Murrays father passed away the year after Murray did. Again, I don't have the actual
dates. George was a very soft spoken man, who had a great sense of humor. We visited him in N.B. three times. He did
love to go fishing so when they came to BC one year, he had some good fishing times here. Murray had gone to New Brunswick
to visit his dad who was very ill with lung cancer. A strange twist of fate had Murray end up in the hospital the day he was
to come home to BC on the bus. He himself, was diagnosed with cancer at that time. It's still painful to talk about for me,
suffice to say, they are both greatly missed.
Murray and his dad, George |
Donald was born on October 2nd, 1944. He loved stockcar racing
and fishing. He spent many hours out on the boats and later build his own boat called Tsadi Lady. He would invite friends
and family to join him and he never disappointed anyone as they were almost guaranteed to catch something. Sharon and Don
were married on June 20th, 1964 and soon afterwards they were blessed with Jennifer, Harold and Suzette. As the years passed
he worked as a grader operator and took time off to go on fishing trips. Sharon and Don did some minor gold expeditions in
Atlin B.C. and was a short hobby for them both. They settled down once again in Terrace where they enjoyed their family life
and the coming of their grandchildren, Tyler, Garrett, Lee, Jordyn, and Jared.
Here is a poem I wrote as a tribute to him.
Ode to Don
There was a good man
who lived in a trailer.
He loved to go fishing
We called him the "Sailor"
His mate was "Old Salty"
Both loyal and true
He stayed by his side,
When Sailor was blue.
When dark clouds were rumbling
They put on a pout.
For sunshine they prayed,
While waiting it out.