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Over the years I have learned from the people who have come into my life. Here I would like to pass some of that learning on to you.

"There is a time for everyting, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot." Ecclesiastes 3:1-2



Love the ones you care about as much as you love yourself.

Do not take their presence here on earth for granted.

Compromise is the key to a happy relationship.

Anger serves little purpose, except to destroy.

Jealousy is like an invisible poison. It will kill all hopes of a happy relationship.

Children are free souls born through you, not to you. You do not own them.

Teach, guide, love, and respect your children and they will return it back to you.

Lies are like a snowball. They get bigger and bigger over time, but once light shines on them, they melt and hold no substance at all.

A person learns so much in a lifetime which I think we all take for granted. The friends we meet, the unexpected smile on a strangers face, the miraculous stories of human survival, the little and sometimes big ways that God works in our lives, and most of all the ones we love.
Do you remember the first time your baby took a breath?
Do you remember the first unrequested hug from your child?
Can you recall the first time your child could say, I love you?
Can you recall the first time you felt their pain?
Was it so long ago that they went to school for the first day?
Was it so long ago that they could read by themselves?
Remember when your ideas were no longer theirs?
Remember when you accepted them in spite of that?
Were you ever anxious for them to finally grow up?
Were you ever amazed that it came so quickly?
What were your dreams for your child?
What were your hopes, what were your fears?
Remember when reason was not an option?
Remember when they knew more than you?
Do you recall the misunderstanding?
Do you recall the outright rebelling?
Were you surprised when you stood your ground?
Were you surprised when they also stood theirs.
Did they learn threw what you talked?
Did they learn threw what you walked?
Remember the nights of pacing the floor?
Remember the days of slaming doors?
What could you do, what could you say?
What could you claim to be the cause?
How could this be that baby of yours?
How could your dreams have come to this?
Would a day of peace be yours?
Would a miracle ever come?
Remember how time slipped slowly by?
Remember how disputes became slowly few?
Recall the day when they said thanks?
Recall the moment that it was worth it all?
When all seems lost and they never heard,
Just wait, you will see, how surprised you will be.
When all your values, hopes and dreams
Can all be seen in your grandchild's dreams.

I am not sure of the words I need to write a poem to someone who is so special to me in such a different kind of way. When one gets older they think they have learned the lessons of life. Yet sometimes, to one's amazement, there comes along a person who teaches you that there is so much more to learn. I have watched him, listened to him, and learned from him. Much can be accomplished through patience, understanding, caring encouragement, soft words, gentle guidance, stable convictions, unwaverying faith, ever exceeding forgiveness, dedication, honesty for the sake of doing good, self-sacrificing compassion, and a non-judgmental demeaner. I know a person such as this and if you, the reader, ever find such a person, don't take them for granted as it is very rare. It is truly a God given gift to have such qualities within the confines of one single person. I call him my friend wether he knows that or not. Thankyou for being my friend.

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